Monday, January 27, 2020

The Technology Aided Learning Education Essay

The Technology Aided Learning Education Essay Hey man! Whats wrong? Why are you crying? I didnt attend the last lecture how can I do the assignment now? Oh dont worry! I have the lecture recorded in my pen. Pen Yes it records video. Here take this Education is a complex subject which appears to elude definition. With the passage of time it has gathered new dimensions and stirred the human mind in unpredictable ways. Education is a continuous process and it aims at total development of the individual. Learning is not a single activity; it includes at least three different stages: accretion, restructuring, and tuning That is the, progress from the unsure and anxious state of the learner to the serene and experienced skill of the expert. It is not enough to understand and learn a subject. When a subject has been learned, it should be used. It should be practiced. It should be tuned until it is used effortlessly. An old proverb says, I heard it and I forgot it, I saw it and I remembered it, I did it and I learned it. Learning is therefore more effective when it occurs in an interactive setting that is mostly promoted through the use of educational technology. Now a days one can not live without technology. There is hardly an area of our life which is free from its presence whether it is health or education, industry or transport, communication or entertainment, fashion or domestic comforts technology is there all around us to serve us in every possible manner. TAL is an abbreviation of Technology Aided Learning and is one of the most commonly used acronyms within education. TAL has been increasingly used to describe the use of technology for learning purposes. The need for technology in the classroom is rapidly increasing with the changing times. What one must remember is that TAL is used to assist the user in learning or understanding a particular subject or thought in different or with interesting presentation. The key word here is Assist which means that it is not alone in this aim and that there are other methods involved too. In other words it is a small part of a much larger picture. It is relatively a new learning technique and is used for individual learning, in schools and in workplaces no matter what age groups the learner might belong to. TAL can be equally beneficial for people with disabilities. It will give them the opportunity to work side by side with peers. Technology today is flexible enough to stretch and meet their spec ial requirements. It will help them self-advocate In workplace environment it helps everyone by keeping a breast with latest techniques and solving day to day problems. Technology today provides virtual environments in which to check the viability of projects in real life situations. According to the British Journal of Educational Technology published by the National centre for Educational Technology, U.K. No. 2, Vol. 2, May 1971. Educational technology basically means all the intellectual and operational efforts made during recent years to regroup, arrange and systematize the application of scientific methods to the organization of new sets of equipment and material so as to optimize learning process. Majority of the people prefer TAL over traditional methods. TAL can cater a large number of people at the same time whereas traditional teacher centered methods can accommodate a certain number only. Technological learning commonly known as E-learning is defined as the use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services, as well as remote exchange and collaboration (EC, 2001). An integral part of the e-learning is video-conferencing technology, which allows students to talk to experts and other schools and students around the world in real time via a video link-up. Virtual schools are a relatively new phenomenon that is gripping the nation which makes it possible for everyone to learn at the same time even if they are at different ends of the globe. In this way a lot of time is saved from repeating or preparing the same lecture for separate classes. It is also benefactor for all those who due to one reason or another cannot go to educational institutions by having online lectures in their homes. If such virtual schools can be developed it might prove to be a sigh of relief for all those countries who import oil and other fuels as less to and from movement from educational institutions will bring a decrease in demand for fuel import thus giving a much required relief to their withering economy and might even boost it. Such a strategy can be particularly use ful in rural areas where online learning can help teachers and students in remote areas overcome distance. So in this way it can lend a helping hand in solving the current staff to student ratio crisis. Technology is the potential savior of the education system, because it can be used to personalize learning. The learner can learn at the pace he is most comfortable with and can design his learning according to his knowledge and needs, record the progress he makes. While some of the people want technology to replace traditional learning altogether others might disagree. A more moderate approach to the issue in question would be that both techniques should be employed in balance because some students from backward areas do not have the pace and are not at all comfortable with technology and also because it decreases student to student and student to teacher communication up to some extent. This strategy of blending online learning with school-based instruction is often utilized to accommodate students diverse learning styles and to enable them to work before or after school in ways that are not possible with conventional classroom instructions. Learners respond to information differently. As a result, it is often to the teachers advantage to use many different formats and modes to teach the lesson. Factors which influence the use of TAL include availability of resources and time and also on the difficulty of the topic and the strength and level of the class being taught. Use of TAL also broadens the mindset by giving every kind of information in one place. Most of the instructors just teach whatever is in the book and do not go outside its scope. Some do not employ TAL techniques due to power fluctuations and also non credibility of information up to some extent. The kind of technologies employed include internet, video conferences, audio and video cassettes regarding book content, online tests, online reference books, articles/journals and a wide range of gadgets including Projector, Camera, Electronic Board, Computer and different multimedia aids. While open educational resources are freely available over the net to every student without any discrimination, effort should be made that they meet standards of quality, accuracy and credibility as with any other educational resource. TAL is an effective learning technique.TAL provides an active learning atmosphere because different audio and visual materials appeal to the senses and completely grabs their attention. The listener of today does not want a dull lecture he prefers education through entertainment. Because of its comfortableness sometimes listener feels at ease and then might miss out a few things but TAL has the ability to reignite listeners interest. Because of the healthy interaction between technology and students interest in even dull topics can be developed. Audience motivation increases due to the use of TAL because everyday theres something new. Hence, if proper motivation and learning environment is provided TAL can surely enhance learning capabilities. Outside school, students constantly interact with technologies such as iPods, mobile phones, the internet and social networking sites, so it is little wonder theres an expectation that these technologies will also support their learning in the classroom. In recent world a program has been trialled that allowed students and teachers to download free information and resources through iTunes U an area of the iTunes store offering free education content from top institutions around the world. The departments assistant executive director curriculum support says that, by providing online content in alternative formats, the department hopes to make the information more accessible and appealing to people in the education community. This program will also test the practicality of using alternative electronic formats to distribute the departments information. The iTunes project also means that students can better communicate with their peers and access different perspectives on their subjects by sharing audio files to discuss their school work. Advantages of TAL in classroom include but are not limited to those mentioned here. The ideal classroom is an interactive, collaborative, and innovative place of discovery; technology is a key piece in achieving that goal. The use of TAL is increasing due to its fast and effective delivery of concepts and convenience. One of the advantages of using multimedia is to convey information quickly and effectively to all learners-and keep them interested in learning. (Savage and Vogel, 1996). Each and every one of the student pays 100% attention. TAL increases the interest in learning by creating an environment which is both innovative and creative and engages the student more fully. TAL makes one forget the chalk dust, the textbooks and make them a thing of the past. TAL is bliss for all those who want permanent and up to date knowledge. The use of TAL has introduced the concept of self education. When students find a term they are interested in they would simply research it and discus whatever they have found with their classmates. TAL also has an upper hand due to its diverse material. It sure is a fun way to get your students to review important material. It is certainly an advantage for all those who want to gain extra. It also saves the student and teacher from the hassle of carrying books and notes to and from the classroom. TAL expands whatever the course offers. When the same material is taught for awhile the student and even the teacher himself might find it les s than exciting. A quick internet search might help you identify ways to supplement your lessons with interesting new material such as photographs, sound clips, video clips, which can more than bring your lessons to life. Hence the use of technology allows teachers to diversify their lectures, display more information, and enhance learners learning. All student related info such as grades, attendance, progress reports etc can be uploaded which will make it possible to access it from any computer and hence make it easier for students and parents to track the students progress. Technology helps us in training our students in such a way that they master the 4Cs which are creativity, collaboration, communication and critical-thinking. TAL creates a sense of independent learning and help students in experiencing real life situations in the comfortable surroundings. With the aid of technology, many teachers take students beyond traditional classroom limits, creating virtual environments to experiment and explore (Hamza and Alhalabi, 1999). TAL reduces the cost of instructional materials. Technology is infused in almost every aspect of our daily lives so students from institutions which employ TAL techniques frequently have an upper hand than the rest as they are already trained in the much required skills. Students with little or no interest are simply not stimulated unless given technology as the backbone to their learning. Although some technologies sound space-aged and technical, most of the technologies that students are using are the same as those in most homes; the main difference is that, in schools, their educational potential is being explored. Like everything TAL also has some disadvantages. Lets imagine a situation where a teacher is having trouble with technological devices and it might sometimes be embarrassing when a student tells him or her how to troubleshoot the problem in question. However, that doesnt mean a teacher can turn away from using technology altogether. Instead, workshops should be arranged to bring such teachers into this new era of education by giving them the choice of what technology to use with their students. Given budget restraints, one hears more arguments in favor of traditional learning rather than use of technology in classrooms. The best solution to the financial problem is to allow students to bring in their own devices which mean that some students will have i-pads, pods, phones and laptops while others will have nothing. Technology, in this case, will likely serve to increase the gap between the rich and the poor and create a sense of deprivation. Sometimes students take it easy and become passive in the classroom or even dont come in the class because they know that whatever will be taught will be uploaded and they can find the same or better resources then that shown in the class. In this way they stop learning content and go to learn technology instead. Technology loses its novelty over time as its extensive use might make the lecture dull for then it will become a routine. Extra efficient people can surely find something more to do but in this way a little less motivated students will be left far behind and thus a gap will be created. TAL can be of major disadvantage for backward area people in terms of communication gap. The extensive use of technology may cause to lose activeness and brain storming etc. Some were of the view that they even serve as distraction. Some teachers might rely on technology exclusively to make their job quicker and easier, but what one must remember is that a teachers job is never easy. As far as technology is concerned there is a very faint line between education and environment. Teachers should be properly trained to emphasize knowledge and skills related to instructional technology use. Educational institutions in the country should be provided with modern instructional resources to facilitate teaching. The future of TAL in terms of teaching/learning and transfer of information to any individual all of them saw a bright future some even went so far as to suggest that TAL might completely replace the traditional techniques. A revolution might be coming ahead which aims to prepare students for further education and training, jobs of the future and to live and work in a digital world. Some school students ages 9-12 are even now being switched on to some of the most up-to-date technology available, from laptop computers to interactive whiteboards, video-conferencing equipment and even virtual classrooms. TAL should be employed side by side with traditional techniques rather then relying alone on technology. TAL should be employed on a larger scale and everything should be done for its promotion throughout the country. A clear cut line should be introduced so that these technologies and resources are not misused. The daily interaction with technology will help in producing students or le arners being leaders of 21st century.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Preserving Order in Luther and Hobbes Essays -- Philosophy Essays

Preserving Order in Luther and Hobbes Both Martin Luther and Thomas Hobbes believe in preserving order. Their writings paint pictures of strong sovereigns and obedient subjects. Yet while both men see it as wrong to overthrow a sovereign, they recognize that sovereigns are overthrown and that the sovereigns must do what they can to prevent this. On top of that both men see different causes for their sovereigns’ creation, set different ends for their sovereigns, and would limit the actions of the sovereigns to those specific ends. Hobbes, whose sovereign is created as an alternative to the state of nature, places the possibility of the state collapsing as the limits of that sovereign’s power. Luther, whose rulers are appointed by God, would limit their power only by their fear of God. These differences play out in the few cases in which Hobbes and Luther give the people permission to disobey the rulers. Thomas Hobbes says that there must be a strong sovereign because it is the only possibility other than the state of nature. In the state of nature every man is equal and having equal rights to all things, all would be in constant war against one another. In this case no one is assured that he will have the fruits of his own labor, and thus there is no labor done but life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." That man would choose to remain in this state is not an option to Hobbes. He says that for men to "seek peace and follow it" is a law of nature. Thus for Hobbes obedience to the sovereign is a choice that everyone must make, because it is natural and reasonable to make it, and because it is the only option other than the state of nature. Martin Luther, on the other hand, does not really consider a state of ... ...military is large enough, and the people poor enough, that there is no chance for the people to rebel, then the sovereign may do what he wills and the people will have to accept it. Order will be maintained. However, if the people’s beliefs are moving towards ones promoting rebellion or they have the material resources available too rebel then this will limit the sovereign and he will have act appropriately. Works Cited Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994. Luther, Martin. "Admonition to Peace, A Reply to the Twelve Articles of the Peasants in Swabia, 1525." In Luther’s Works: Volume 46. edited by Robert C. Shultz. 17-45. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. "Temporal Authority: To What Extent it Should be Obeyed, 1523." In Luther’s Works: Volume 45. edited by Robert C. Shultz. 81-130. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 89.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Reflective Evaluation †PTTLS Module Essay

After looking at my micro teach on reflection there are a few things I could improve on. The first being my planning beforehand. To plan a lesson with more care and time gives you more opportunities for inclusive learning. Planning accordingly also gives you more freedom in your session as you always have a backup in case anything goes wrong, one can always look back at the lesson plan. Although I did plan and I had a well thought out lesson plan I just felt like more detail could have gone into my lesson plan. Teaching a group of non-dancers with a variety of ages and a variety of health issues should have made me realise some of the issues that may come with this type of lesson. I feel I should have taken more of this into consideration. Maybe not all of the students felt at ease doing the style of dancing that I chose. Maybe some of the students were not actually fit enough to take part. I did not ask if there were any health issues before the session started. If I would of and somebody would have spoken about their health issue then I would have given them the same steps as everybody else but I would of quietly had a word with them and ask them not to do it as strenuous as the others and to take it at their own pace. The majority of the students had a fun and enjoyable lesson which was one of the objectives of the class. The other objective was to know what a ‘dynamic’ is in dance. I feel all students had a clear understanding of this by the end of the session and demonstrated different dynamics in dance and could also talk about this at the end of the session. My approach to inclusion was to set the dance steps very basic so that everybody could take part. I also had a lot of praise for everybody and this I felt made everybody feel at ease as for some people this was an alien environment for them to be in, as some have never been in a dance class before. I feel I could develop this session further by having more peer assessment by braking the class down into small groups I feel this would benefit the class greatly. This would allow students to talk to each other and talk about any areas that they may be struggling with. This I feel would be better than speaking in front of the whole group about any issues you have. To assess this session I would take note of who works best together and take note of how many students struggle with the steps and possibly adapt the steps to suite the level the  non-dancers are at with regards to dance technique. Overall I feel my micro teach was a success the general feedback I got was positive and spurred me on to further my knowledge as a teacher and gain more experience as a teacher. I enjoyed my mic ro teach thoroughly.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Cause/Effect of Dental Hygiene Essay - 662 Words

Cause/Effect Essay #4 Have you ever thought about what could happen if you dont practice good oral hygiene? Have you ever thought about the fact that cavities can lead to even more serious dental problems? Do you know that if you arent practicing good oral hygiene, youre opening the door to dental problems that isnt easy to close? If you dont take care of your teeth,think about how much harder easy life tasks would be for you. It is not that hard to simply brush your teeth twice a day and floss them once. The effects of not having good oral hygiene are cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. A cavity is the least severe effect of not practicing good oral hygiene. You may think that a cavity is just a small hole in your teeth,†¦show more content†¦Because the gums separate themselves from the teeth, this causes spaces between the teeth and gums, and they will become infected. As the disease advances, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Eventually, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed. This gum disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults and has also been linked to heart disease and strokes. Gingivitis can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene, but if it is not treated may lead to periodontal disease. Lastly the most severe dental disease that comes with not practicing good oral hygiene is periodontal disease. If it is left to itself and not treated, it will lead to tooth loss. In order to fix periodontal disease, a hygienist needs to place a probe in the gap of your gums and insert fake gums to keep bacteria from going in the hole. There are many factors that cause periodontal disease, but the main cause is bacteria. Without proper home care, your chances of getting it increase. The other factors vary and can affect the health of your gums. The most severe case of not having good oral hygiene is periodontal disease, and it is very painful. Maintaining good oral health is essential to maintaining good overall health. Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems, most commonly, dental cavities, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth loss. Preventing these dental diseases areShow MoreRelatedDental Hygiene Importance1261 Words   |   5 Pagesand other bacteria into our mouths, it affects our teeth and gums. We need routine dental checkups and cleanings throughout our lives. Dental checkups usually involve x-rays, cleanings, and the examination of the mouth. Dental health is one of the most important matters in our lives. Without proper dental tonicity, people can obtain dental problems, which can be as severe as death. In order to maintain proper dental care go to your dentist every six months. It is also important to change your toothbrushRead MoreBenefits Of Good Oral Hygiene Essay1709 Words   |  7 Pagesadvantages of good oral hygiene can help prevent existing and prevalent dental problems, primarily plaque and calculus, which are the major causes of caries (cavities) and tooth decay. Dental caries are not only found in the adolescent population, but are also found in adults, due to gums receding throughout the aging process. This exposes the roots of teeth to the different types of bacteria that cause plaque and tooth decay. To be sure, seniors with poor health are no exception to dental caries and areRead MoreThe Dental Hygiene Of A Dental Hygienist975 Words   |  4 Pagesmore than 30 percent aren’t brushing enough, acc ording to a survey published by Delta Dental,† ( Many people all across the United States have dental hygiene issues due to lack of practicing good oral health skills. 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Nevertheless, gingivitis that is not treated may lead to periodontitis which is a more severe gum d isease than gingivitis that can eventually result in tooth loss. Plaque -induced gingivitis, drug- induced gingivitis, vitamin deficiency, infection, and pregnancy, menopause, Leukemia, and an impacted tooth (Pericoronitis) are some of the causes of gingivitis (â€Å"Gingivitis: Periodontal† n. pag.). Many symptomsRead MoreDental Hygiene Is Not Just A Luxury1630 Words   |  7 Pagesto the dental office out of fear. This has become an extremely serious problem due to the lack of oral health which leads to a number off issues such as: gum disease, cavities, loss of teeth, high blood pressure, heart disease, and death. The neglect placed on oral health can be deadly, not just a cosmetic issue. There are a number of reasons why people fear going to the dentist, general anxiety disorder or panic attacks are two of the top leading causes of fear. 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